Interface | Description |
Pagination<T> |
Interface for pagination.
Scope<S,K,V,T extends Scope<S,K,V,T>> |
A Scope represents a tree of delegating maps.
Class | Description |
AllPagesPagination<T> |
Pagination class that contains all matching results of a query.
CacheLastObserver<T> |
A thread-safe observable that caches the last message it received, and caches the last error (if any) it receives.
ChainingComparator<T> |
A comparator which accepts a list of other comparators to apply in order until an imbalance is found.
CompletedFuture |
A utility class to create futures which have already been completed and will return as soon as it is called.
DateTimeFormatterFactory |
Holder for the system-wide date-time formatters.
DateTimeUtils |
Util functions to perform operations on JodaTime objects.
DefaultingDictionary<K,V> |
DefaultingDictionary is a Map that returns a default value if a given key is not present in the map, or returns the
value associated with the given key.
DelegatingMap<K,V> |
A delegating map has a local copy (self) of keys and values and a next map to which it delegates lookups for values
which it doesn't contain.
DimensionStoreKeyUtils |
Provider for magic strings used in dimension keystore key generation.
Either<L,R> |
An Either is a bean that contains one of two possible values, referred to generically as Left or Right.
EnumUtils |
Helper methods for enums.
FilterTokenizer |
Utility class to tokenize Strings based on CSV properties.
IntervalPeriodIterator |
An iterator that splits an interval into slices of length equal to a period and returns them
IntervalStartComparator |
Compare intervals based on their starting instant.
IntervalUtils |
Methods and Iterators which support interval slicing alignment and set operations.
ScopeMap<S,K,V,T extends ScopeMap<S,K,V,T>> |
ScopeMap implements
Scope using a factory method to create child scopes when requested by getScope() |
SimplifiedIntervalList |
A simplified interval list is a list of intervals, ordered by time, expressed in as few intervals as possible
SimplifiedIntervalList.IsSubinterval |
A predicate for testing whether the test interval is a complete subinterval of part of the supply of intervals.
SimplifiedIntervalList.SkippingIntervalPredicate |
A predicate to scan a Simplified Interval List using an iterator and a test predicate.
SinglePagePagination<T> |
Pagination class that contains only one page of data.
StreamUtils |
Utils for dealing with streams.
TableUtils |
Methods to support table operations and table resolution.
Utils |
Exception | Description |
GranularityParseException |
Thrown when there's a problem parsing a string into a Granularity.
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